Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Awkward First Encounter

Hello Reader,

I have a feeling that you do not exist, and I am writing merely as a form of self reassurance, but forgive me if I entertain the idea of writing for an audience. I might habitually alternate between first and second person, as I am so gracefully and unapologetically doing at the moment. I suppose an introduction is in order, as you probably don't know me or anything about me. (If you do know me, my sincerest apologies.)
Anyhoozles, my name is Shira (Last Name) and I am not giving you my last name, because for all I know you might be a crazy stalker (no judgement.) I have probably tried to start about 57 blogs over the few years I have been on this planet, but unfortunately I am cursed with what I will call, "Lack of Follow-Through Disorder," which basically means I have lots of big ideas, and lots of beginnings of things, but no final executions. I start projects and don't finish them. I've been given plenty of feedback from people who tell me that this condition is normal and actually quite common (especially for people my age,) but I am quite certain that I have contracted a chronic case. Nonetheless, I will give it a final go, and try to do this "blogger" thing again. You will also have to forgive me for not being tech savvy. I write. I don't design websites. That is what built in theme packs are for.
I am calling this post the Awkward First Encounter, because that's probably what it would be if I was meeting you in real life. I would say hi and you would say hi, and then you would try to say something relatable, but I would end up ignoring it and talking your ear off on something you couldn't care less about for the next 45 minutes. So it's only fair that I be perfectly straight with you about that. (I hope you know keep in mind that I am not literally "straight" about many things)
In these Awkward First Encounter which I have become so accustomed to over the years, I usually end up talking a lot about myself, and sounding like an egotistical maniac, or maybe someone Donald Trump would be friends with in an alternate universe. This is why I am not going to ramble on any longer, but instead make a clear and concise list of things you should probably know about me. That should get us acquainted in a quick and relatively painless manner. (Like ripping off a bandaid, as they say) So here goes:

1) I talk a lot, and thus I write a lot. I don't know why I talk so much: I just do. I'm sorry. I was born like that. Now is just a time I figured I should give you a heads up.

2) I have OCD. Yes, I know it seems a bit odd to just throw that out there for anyone and everyone to read, but I have a feeling that I'm going to end up talking about it a lot, so I figured I might as well get that out there. It's a major part of my life. (I am medicated and in regular therapy)

3) I have too many interests. I like writing (duh), singing and playing music, cooking, drawing and cartooning, skateboarding, film, comedy, and slam poetry. I am hoping to work in the television writing industry when I am older, as it seems to be the most plausible of the career options I could choose given my hefty plethora of interests.

4) I am a fangirl. I am obsessed with the following tv shows/ musical artists/ bands/ famous people: Grey's Anatomy, Saturday Night Live, Parks and Rec, Bob's Burgers, Lorde, Twenty One Pilots, Ingrid Michelson, Regina Spektor, Watsky, Kate McKinnon, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, The Dan and Phil Phandom, etc, etc, etc.

5) I am a teenager. So yeah, lot's of crazy shit going on up in this noggin with all the rebellious hormones running wild like they do.

6) I hate it when people are upset even though I, myself, am quite often upset. Please tell me if you are ever feeling upset and you think there is anything I can do to help.

7) I am very scatter-brained so if I go on crazy-long-ass tangents you can't follow, I offer you my greatest apologies, but that is to be expected and you can't say I haven't warned you.

I think that pretty much sums up everything I intended to see. If you've read this far, thank you. I appreciate your tolerance,

Until next time,



  1. I love the way you write! I would definetly enjoy reading more of you blog posts, I really hope you keep writing, I'd love to hear more about your life (not in a creepy way haha)

  2. This is really good. You write beautifully and we have a lot of the same interest. I hope you keep up with it.



Hi guys! Thank you so much for all of the positive feedback I got from my last post! It honestly meant the world to me that so many of you...